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Social Media for Developers

Social media platforms extend beyond friend circles. A Mass communication platform where everyone can share what’s on their mind.

Most popular platforms are a medium for content creators. Platforms provide an audience and ways to get discovered. If you can showcase your creation using image, video, audio or text then there are several options for you.

But what about the developers ? Is there a social media that focuses on programmable creations ?

For developers it is a bit difficult to share their creation in those mediums. Most you can do is create or host what you built somewhere else and share the link. Which is fine but you don’t get the benefit of platform discovery algorithm.

And what about the scribbles and snippets. They aren’t an application in itself or demoable. But can be shareable content. It’s not like there are no options. But the options are not big enough to have all the features of a modern social media platform.

Here are the top social media platforms that focus on sharing coded content. I’m excluding any app store as most participants there are not individuals. The idea is to list platforms that only focus on developers and have a huge active audience.


  • Personalised feed of code repositories and gists
  • Allows users to follow each other
  • Star or Sponsor content to make it trend


  • Focus primarily on web applications
  • Showcase the end result beside raw code
  • Shows view counts


  • Community to share developer blogs
  • Focusing on coding related content in the form of video, podcast or articles.