./make all

Serverless with Cloudflare

What is serverless computing?

On demand server for computing. It is an abstraction relevant to application development and not consumption. An application is a software service that executes whenever a user needs it. Application could wait for a user request and keep on standby (server) or it could leave the instruction with another application (serverless platform) to make it available whenever a user request comes. Serverless computing is clearly not the answer to every application need but it makes sense for a lot of use cases.

Cloudflare Workers

A very basic example using cloudflare worker. The worker code adds an event handler for fetch and returns a string ‘hello world!’ for all requests.

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  return new Response("Hello world");

Cloudflare Workers is a serverless application platform. The examples above are the application and the instruction for on demand execution is handled by the cloudflare platform.


Wrangler Setup

Cloudflare provides an application development tool to develop and test serverless applications.

npm install -g @cloudflare/wrangler
wrangler --version
wrangler login
# Open Browser
# Login and get API Token
# Config file at

New Project

wrangler generate my-worker

#edit wrangler.toml

# dev test
wrangler dev

# publish live
wrangler publish