./make all

JavaScript is the English of Programming Languages

There are better languages out there but English is the most spoken one. I am no linguist but I do know that there are languages with more formal and expansive grammar than English. Languages that are considered more accurate, more expressive and beautifully structured. Modern English is a combination of old languages with loan words from various cultures and exceptions… a lot of exceptions. But still English is the most spoken one.

JavaScript is the language of people. It has a very low barrier of entry. You can start writing javascript right in your browser which is the most frequently open application on everyone’s computer. The basics of JavaScript is easy to understand and it doesn’t require a load of pre-requisites to be taught. And most important, JavaScript is tolerant, it doesn’t complain too much and when it works it just works.

It is a general purpose language with which you can write real world applications, with UI and everything.

It is the language that the internet speaks and it is the programming language that is most professional writing. It will be the language that will remain. At least that’s what I believe.